Thursday, 7 November 2019

Image result for united nations logoHaving an organization that is responsible for maintaining worldwide peace and safety of the people, developing friendly relations among nations, achieving global cooperation and being a leader for harmonizing the actions of nations is great because it gives benefits to everyone to solve different problems like economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems. In addition, it provides an opportunity to bring countries together.
This organization was formed to encourage people to prevent international conflicts or wars and to form policies. However, on more complicated worldwide matters, such as world peace and promoting social justice for humankind, an assembly is needed to stand-in the decision. This organization is considered a family because everyone should feel protected, loved and wanted.
This organization is very important to us; this is what we need to live in freedom and peace. In order to resolve matters, cooperation is needed to preserve peace where each person works and contributes to make other people secure.

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Following health protocols is all we can do to help the frontliners. We will heal as one if we are one, so stop being naughty.